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4 Light Exercises to Help Athletes Manage Stress

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Stress management is essential for athletes who want to maintain peak performance and overall well-being. Incorporating light exercises like yoga, Tai Chi, swimming, and walking meditation into your routine can help alleviate stress and promote relaxation. SummaForte products can further support your stress management efforts by reducing inflammation, promoting muscle recovery, and enhancing overall wellness.

Stress is an unavoidable part of life, and athletes are no exception. Whether you're a professional athlete or just someone who enjoys staying active, stress can negatively impact your performance and overall well-being. Thankfully, incorporating light exercises into your daily routine can help you manage stress more effectively, and SummaForte™ products can provide the support you need to reach your goals. In this article, we'll discuss four easy exercises that can help alleviate stress and promote relaxation.


Yoga is an ancient practice that combines physical postures, breath control, and meditation to create a sense of harmony between the body and mind. It's an excellent way to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as improve flexibility and strength. Moreover, yoga can be easily adapted to any fitness level, making it a versatile option for athletes of all levels.

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Begin with these three simple poses to kickstart your yoga journey:

  • Child's Pose (Balasana): This restorative pose helps to release tension in the back, shoulders, and neck while gently stretching the hips, thighs, and ankles.
  • Cat-Cow Stretch (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana): This gentle flow helps to relieve stress by improving spinal flexibility and massaging the spine and internal organs.
  • Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani): This restorative inversion helps to calm the nervous system, relieve tension in the lower back, and reduce swelling in the legs and feet.

For those using SummaForte™ products, incorporating yoga into your routine can help maximize the benefits of our products. SummaForte's SummaTape™, for example, can both provide support to areas of the body not yet accustomed to the stretching yoga offers, while also complementing the relaxing effects of yoga by helping reduce inflammation and promoting muscle recovery.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art that focuses on slow, fluid movements and deep, controlled breathing. It's often referred to as "meditation in motion," as it helps to promote relaxation and mental clarity. Tai Chi is suitable for all fitness levels, and regular practice can lead to improvements in balance, coordination, and stress management.

We recommend adding SummaMix™ to enhance your Tai Chi practice by providing the sustained physical and mental balance our CBD facilitates. When used together with SummaTape™ you get the support your body needs to recover and maintain optimal performance.

To start your Tai Chi journey, consider learning these basic moves:

  • Opening: Begin by standing tall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a deep breath, and slowly raise your arms to shoulder height. Exhale as you lower your arms back down.
  • Parting the Wild Horse's Mane: Step forward with your left foot while raising your left hand, as if you're holding a ball. Shift your weight onto your left foot and bring your right hand down to hip level. Repeat on the other side.
  • Grasp the Sparrow's Tail: Shift your weight onto your back foot while raising both hands in front of your chest. Push your hands forward, then pull them back towards your body while shifting your weight forward.


Swimming is a low-impact exercise that engages all major muscle groups while providing a relaxing, full-body workout. The water's buoyancy provides a gentle resistance, allowing you to exercise without putting undue stress on your joints. As you glide through the water, your mind can focus on the rhythm of your strokes and breaths, creating a calming, meditative experience.

Start with these three swimming strokes to create a stress-relieving routine:

  • Freestyle: Also known as the front crawl, this stroke is characterized by its alternating arm movements and continuous flutter kick. Freestyle is a great stroke for beginners, as it helps to build endurance and improve overall swimming technique.
  • Breaststroke: This stroke involves simultaneous arm and leg movements, creating a gliding motion through the water. Breaststroke can help to improve coordination and strengthen the chest, back, and leg muscles.
  • Backstroke: As the name suggests, this stroke is performed on your back, allowing for easy breathing and a unique perspective in the water. The backstroke helps to improve posture and strengthen the back and shoulder muscles.

Walking Meditation

Walking meditation is a mindfulness practice that combines the physical activity of walking with the mental focus of meditation. By bringing your attention to each step and breath, you can cultivate a sense of inner peace and tranquility, reducing stress and anxiety in the process. Walking meditation is suitable for all fitness levels and can be practiced anywhere, making it a convenient addition to any athlete's stress management routine.

To begin a walking meditation practice, follow these simple steps:

  • Find a quiet, safe place to walk, such as a park or a quiet neighborhood.
  • Begin walking at a slow, comfortable pace, focusing on the sensation of each step.
  • As you walk, pay attention to your breath, synchronizing it with your steps.
  • If your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to your breath and steps.

Final Thoughts on Stress Management

Stress management is essential for athletes who want to maintain peak performance and overall well-being. Incorporating light exercises like yoga, Tai Chi, swimming, and walking meditation into your routine can help alleviate stress and promote relaxation. SummaForte products can further support your stress management efforts by reducing inflammation, promoting muscle recovery, and enhancing overall wellness. Give these exercises a try and experience the difference a balanced mind and body can make in your athletic performance.